Chicago Bed Sore Lawyer

Making the decision to leave a family member in a nursing home or other assisted living environment is never easy. When those responsible for caring for your loved one neglect them, they can suffer serious harm like bed sores. Our Chicago bed sore lawyers are here to help you get justice for you or your loved one. 

Hospitals, nursing homes, and other facilities that care for our most vulnerable have a duty to treat them with a high standard of care. Sadly, neglect is an all too common problem in these settings. Injuries like bed sores are often preventable. When they happen, it’s a potential sign of neglect.  

If you or someone you care about is suffering from bed sores, call Attorneys of Chicago Personal Injury Lawyers at (872) 324-4375 to get a free consultation. Our Chicago personal injury attorneys can thoroughly investigate the matter and hold those responsible for their bed sores financially accountable, contact us today to receive the help you have been looking for.   

How Attorneys of Chicago Personal Injury Lawyers Can Help if You or a Loved One Are Suffering From Bed Sores

How Attorneys of Chicago Personal Injury Lawyers Can Help if You or a Loved One Are Suffering From Bed Sores

Left untreated, bed sores can worsen over time and lead to other debilitating harm. If you or your loved one is suffering from bed sores due to someone else’s negligence, it’s critical to talk to an attorney who specializes in these kinds of injuries. 

Our Chicago nursing home abuse lawyers have dedicated their legal careers to championing the rights of accident injury victims. Because we specialize in personal injury cases, we understand negligence law inside and out. When you choose Attorneys of Chicago Personal Injury Lawyers as your advocate, we’ll provide you with the following comprehensive legal services: 

  • Launching an extensive investigation into how the bed sores developed
  • Gathering critical evidence and interviewing witnesses in order to determine who is liable 
  • If necessary, consult with top medical experts to strengthen your case 
  • Calculate the full value of your case
  • File a claim with the insurance company or at-fault party and negotiate a fair settlement on your behalf

Unfortunately, insurance companies are primarily concerned about their own financial bottom line. To protect that, they will try to make your bed sores case go away by offering you a settlement that is far below the actual worth of your claim. 

When insurance companies act in bad faith, it can complicate the settlement negotiation process. Attorneys of Chicago Personal Injury Lawyers will never compromise your claim. We are seasoned trial attorneys, so when the insurance company or other opposing party plays games with your physical and financial well-being, we’ll take your case to court.     

What Causes Bed Sores?

Bed sores, known as pressure ulcers, are most common in patients in nursing homes or other healthcare facilities who are bound to their beds. The elderly and physically frail are particularly at risk of getting bed sores if their care providers aren’t vigilant. 

Bed sores are ulcers that form on areas of the skin that are under constant pressure from lying in bed or sitting down for extended lengths of time. They can start to develop within just 2 to 3 hours of the blood supply being cut off from the skin.

Elderly and immobile patients in hospitals and nursing homes can develop bed sores if the staff fails to reposition the patient on a regular basis and fail to keep their skin moisturized. They most commonly occur on the following parts of the patient’s body:

  • Tailbone
  • Buttocks
  • Back of arms and legs
  • Shoulder blades

If they are treated promptly, most bed sores heal over time. However, left untreated, bed sores can grow deep and affect muscles and bones. They can also lead to infections which may spread throughout the body. 

Bed sores on patients in group homes, nursing homes, or other healthcare facilities could be a sign of negligence. Elderly, frail, and immobile people are already in compromised physical conditions, and bed sores make situations much worse. If you or a loved one is experiencing bed sores, call Attorneys of Chicago Personal Injury Lawyers so we can investigate your case and talk to you about your legal options.

What Types of Compensation Are Available for Bed Sore Injuries in Chicago, IL?

Bed sore injuries can cause excruciating physical pain, but they also take an emotional toll on victims. Treating bed sores requires excellent and costly medical care.

Because bed sore victims can suffer a range of injuries, Illinois law allows them to recover both economic and non-economic damages. Economic damages compensate you for the financial losses you experience as a result of bed sores caused by negligence. They cover your past and future medical bills, loss of income, prescription expenses, and other monetary losses.

On the other hand, non-economic damages compensate you for your more intangible injuries. Those include, but aren’t limited to, your pain and suffering, mental anguish, disfigurement and scarring, and loss of enjoyment of life.    

We trust our healthcare providers to care for our most vulnerable population with care and compassion. When they fail to do that and you or your family member suffer the consequences, Attorneys of Chicago Personal Injury Lawyers can help you hold them accountable. 

Call a Nursing Home Abuse Attorney in Chicago if You’ve Developed Bed Sores Due to Someone Else’s Negligence or Wrongdoing

In many cases, bed sores are avoidable. If you developed bed sores due to the negligence of your care providers, Attorneys of Chicago Personal Injury Lawyers has the skills, experience, and the desire to get you the compensation you need in order to properly heal. 

Call us today to request a free assessment of your bed sore case. Our Chicago bed sore attorneys will thoroughly examine the circumstance of your case, identify who was responsible for your bed sores, and work tirelessly to get you the compensation to which you’re entitled.